Labeling Interpretation – Termidor® SC Termiticide/Insecticide
The Department of Pesticide Regulation received a request from a structural pest control operator for a labeling interpretation concerning Termidor® SC Termiticide/Insecticide, EPA Registration No. 7969-210-AA. The question concerned labeling directions for Carpenter Ants and Nuisance Ant Control.
Question: The Directions for Use for Carpenter Ant and Nuisance Ant Control describe several specific sites where Termidor may be applied (i.e. Around doors, windows vents). The last sentence of the paragraph listing these sites describes a foundation wall perimeter treatment and restricts treatment to a maximum number of two applications per year. Does the maximum number of two applications per year apply only to applications made one foot out and one foot up the foundation wall, or does it apply to all uses listed under the Directions for Use for Carpenter Ant and Nuisance Ant Control?
Answer: The last sentence of the first paragraph states:
“Application is made one foot out and one foot up the foundation wall with a maximum number of two applications per year.”
Based on how the last sentence in the first paragraph is worded the “maximum number of two applications per year” requirement applies only to the site listed in the last sentence which is the “foundation wall”. The “maximum number of two applications per year” requirement does not apply to the other sites listed under the Directions for Use for Carpenter Ant and Nuisance Ant Control.
This interpretation would allow for more than two applications to be made on sites listed under the Directions for Use for Carpenter Ant and Nuisance Ant Control, other than the site where applications are made one foot out and one foot up the foundation wall. However, applicators must use discretion when making more than two applications of this product on sites other than on foundation walls and should apply this product only when necessary to control ant re-infestations.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison serving your county.