License and Certificate Application Packets
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has revised the license and certificate application packets to reflect the 2005 Examination Schedule and the revisions made to the Suggested Study Material Source List. Please discard all of the old license and certificate application packets that you have in your office.
If you wish to order hard copies of the application packets, please complete the forms requisition (PR-ENF-197). You may fax (916) 324-4088, mail (see letterhead address), or e-mail formscoordinator@cdpr.ca.gov your forms requisition to Enforcement Branch’s Program Representative. If you have any questions regarding the forms requisition, please contact Enforcement Branch’s Program Representative at (916) 324-4094, or by e-mail.
The license and certificate types marked below with an asterisk (*) have been revised. The packets below can be downloaded from DPR’s Web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/liccert.htm.
*Agricultural Pest Control
*Adviser License (PR-PML-084)
*Aircraft Pilot Pest Control Certificate (PR-PML-005)
*Pest Control Dealer Designated Agent License (PR-PML-043)
*Qualified Applicator Certificate (PR-PML-001A)
*Qualified Applicator License (PR-PML-001)
Pesticide Broker License (PR-PML-217)
Pest Control Business License (PR-PML-042)
Maintenance Gardener Pest Control Business License (PR-PML-004)
Pest Control Dealer License (PR-PML-041)
The following are significant revisions made to the Suggested Study Material Source List:
- State sales tax increased from 8.25% to 8.75% for purchasing University of California Agricultural Natural Resources Division’s publications.
- Price changes for the following publications were made by the University of California Agricultural Natural and Resources Office:
- Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs (UC publication #3359, increased from $35.00 to $42.00 plus 8.75% State sales tax, postage and handling).
- Plant Growth Regulators (UC publication # 4047, increased from $4.00 to $7.00 plus 8.75% State sales tax, postage and handling).
- Aquatic Pest Control (UC publication #3737, increased from $25.00 to $30.00) plus 8.75% State Sales Tax, postage and handling).
- The following publications are no longer available and have been replaced as noted below.
- Vertebrate Pest Control Handbook, California Department of Food and Agriculture publication #410 is no longer available. It has been replaced with Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, and Gary E. Larson- University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. Published 1994. It can be found at https://wildlifedamage.unl.edu/.
- Turfgrass Pests (ANR publication #4053) is under revision and out of stock. It has been replaced with publication # 3365T, Turfgrass UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. It can be purchased for $5.00 or downloaded from https://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/ for free.
- Mushrooms in Lawns and Landscape has been replaced by Mushrooms and other Nuisance Fungi in Lawns: Pest Notes for Home and Landscape, free publication #74100 which can be downloaded from https://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/.
If you have any questions regarding these revisions, please contact Mr. Dale Burney, of my staff, at (916) 445-4027 or dburney@cdpr.ca.gov.