Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
California State Seal
PML 2003-007
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

License and Certificate Application Packets and Renewal Application Revision

The Department of Pesticide Regulation has revised the license and certificate application packets and renewal application to reflect the new fee levels. The fees are effective for new licenses or certificates that will be issued for 2004 or for the renewal of licenses and certificates that expire after December 31, 2003. Enclosed is a copy of the fact sheet summarizing the new license and certificate fees.

Please discard all of the old license and certificate application packets that you have in your office. The revised application forms will be available by November 3, 2003, online at Copies of the application packets will be mailed to you as soon as they are available from the printer.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Dale Burney, of my staff, at (916) 445-4027 or e-mail at


Original signature by:
David Duncan
Chief, Pest Management and Licensing Branch


  • Enclosure
Mr. Scott T. Paulson, DPR Chief (w/Enclosure)
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosure)
Mr. Dale Burney, DPR Management Services Technician (w/Enclosure)