Mosquito Control – Licensing and Certification Requirements for Public and Private Entities
The Department of Health Services, Vector-Borne Disease Section, with technical assistance from the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Pest Management and Licensing Branch and the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Structural Pest Control Board, developed the enclosed publication entitled, “Mosquito Control by Public and Private Entities in California Questions and Answers.” The publication answers questions regarding the licensing and certification requirements for public and private entities that control mosquitoes that may carry West Nile virus and other diseases in California.
The Department of Health Services, Vector-Borne Disease Section, will distribute this information to their interested parties, and we are providing this publication for your information and distribution to anyone interested in your county. You may also view it at https://westnile.ca.gov/.
If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Mac Takeda, of my staff, at (916) 445-3838 or at mtakeda@cdpr.ca.gov.
- Enclosure