New Enforcement Manuals
The new Enforcement Manuals will be arriving via your senior/liaison during the month of December. Your commissioner copy was made available for you at the Winter Conference. If you did not take it with you at that time it will be delivered by your liaison.
Updates to the manual will be done annually during the first quarter of each year. This is because new laws generally become effective on January 1st of each year. However, regulation changes can go into effect at any time during the course of the year, therefore, we will send out enforcement letters as newly adopted regulations are approved. As these updates become effective they will also be posted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Home Page. You may wish to access the Department’s Web site at
www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/legbills/opramenu.htm for the most up-to date information.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this manual, or if you or your staff become aware of any errors, please contact your Enforcement Regional Office. Thank you for your patience.