New Inspection Procedure Manual
The new Inspection Procedure Manuals are complete and will be arriving via your senior pesticide use specialist (SPUS) liaison during the months of June and July 2003. Your SPUS will be conducting training on the new inspection procedures and forms at that time.
The new Inspection Procedure Manual was produced by the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR’s) Enforcement Branch to fulfill, in part, its statutory obligation to help county agricultural commissioners in planning and implementing the pesticide use enforcement program, and to maintain uniform standards for inspection throughout the state.
The inspection standards in this manual were jointly developed by staff from DPR and the twelve pilot counties of Alameda, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Fresno, Imperial, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Tehama. My sincerest gratitude goes out to all involved in this project over the past year.
Most counties, however, will be seeing this updated manual for the first time. As your staff use and become familiar with these procedures, please seek the advice of your SPUS to help answer questions that may arise. Also, feel free to suggest any changes that may have been overlooked during the pilot project. DPR will update the manual as necessary, and it will be posted to the DPR Web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/county/training/trngmenu.htm.
Recommendations for changes to this manual should be directed to the SPUS serving your county.
- Enclosure