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Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 08-07
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

New Respiratory Protection Regulations

The respiratory protection regulations in Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) have been revised, effective January 1, 2008, to include several new requirements. The highlighted text of revised 3CCR sections 6000, 6720, 6738 and added section 6739 can be found at ; the final regulations are at

In the past several months, the Worker Health and Safety Branch conducted training sessions throughout the state for County Agricultural Commissioner staff. Enclosed is a list of the enforcement related questions raised during those sessions and the Department of Pesticide Regulation’ s responses.

Additional valuable information about respiratory protection, employer compliance, and respirator selection is available at, along with an overview document “New Respirator Regulations.”

If you have questions regarding the enclosed questions and answers, contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • Enclosure, PDF
Ms. Sue Edmiston, DPR Branch Chief, Worker Health and Safety
Mr. James Shattuck, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons