Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 09-19
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Notification to Order Revised Inspection Forms

The Department of Pesticide Regulation has revised the following inspection forms:

  1. Violation Notice, PR-ENF-101
  2. Pesticide Pre-Application Site Evaluation, PR-ENF-102
  3. Field Worker Safety Inspection Report, PR-ENF-103
  4. Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspection Report, PR-ENF-104
  5. Commodity Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report, PR-ENF-105
  6. Field Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report, PR-ENF-106
  7. Structural Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report, PR-ENF-107
  8. Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report, PR-ENF-108
  9. Pest Control Headquarter Inspections Report, PR-ENF-109
  10. Pest Control Business Headquarter Inspections Report, PR-ENF-110
  11. Inspection Report/Violation Notice Supplement, PR-ENF-111

The forms are ready to send to the Office of State Publishing and should be available for distribution to the counties by mid-November 2009. The revised inspection forms should be distributed to County Agricultural Commissioner staff for their use beginning in January 2010.

Enclosed you will find an order form listing these revised inspection forms. So that we can distribute an accurate number of forms to each county, please complete the order form and fax it to Enforcement Branch, attention Scott Benson at 916-445-3907 by Friday, October 16, 2009.

If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • Forms Requisition, Abbreviated DPR-197
Mr. James Shattuck, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Mr. Scott Benson, Staff Services Analyst
Enforcement Branch Liaisons