Permit Conditions for Select Fumigants
As you know, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is requiring important new safety measures for soil fumigant pesticides to increase protections for agricultural workers and bystanders. New safety measures will appear on soil fumigant product labels in two phases. The phase 1 measures appeared on product labels in late December 2010. Phase 2 safety measures, including buffer zones, go into effect in late 2012.
We would like to request your assistance in collecting and compiling county specific permit conditions, past and current, for the following fumigants:
- Chloropicrin
- Dazomet
- Metam sodium
- Metam potassium
- Methyl bromide
- 1,3- Dichloropropene (1,3-D)
Please include the effective dates for these permit conditions. We will compile these permit conditions and use them to assess the labels as well as other existing mitigation measures. We also think that these permit conditions will be invaluable as we evaluate future training needs for county personnel.
Although U.S. EPA does not require revisions of labels for products containing 1,3-dichlorpropene as the sole active ingredient, we would like to include county specific permit conditions, if any, for this pesticide.
Please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison, or Nino Yanga (Worker Health and Safety Branch) with questions or comments at syanga@cdpr.ca.gov, or 916-445-6387.