Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 18-08
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Pesticide Product Sales Complaints

All complaints related to the sale and production of pesticide products in California should be forwarded to the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) Enforcement Branch. In February, 2017 these functions were transferred from the Product Compliance Branch to the Enforcement Branch as part of an organizational realignment. This letter supersedes Enforcement letter 11-24, dated July 28, 2011.

Enforcement Branch staff conduct inspections at establishments that manufacture or sell pesticide products and investigate pesticide product complaints to ensure compliance with California and Federal laws and regulations.

Examples of types of pesticide product complaint referrals to the Enforcement Branch include:

  • Sale of unregistered or misbranded pesticide products. This also includes internet and mail order sales.
  • Suspected pesticide product adulteration.
  • Suspected pesticide product production or repackaging occurring in an unregistered producing establishment.

Your staff may encounter the above during their inspections, investigations or as calls from the public. Please forward all pesticide product sales, distribution, or misbranding complaints to or to the Enforcement Branch by phone at 916-324-4100.


Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons