Pesticide Product Sales Complaints
All complaints related to the sale and distribution of pesticide products in California should be forwarded to the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) Product Compliance Branch (PCB). In July 2010, all product compliance inspection functions were transferred from the Enforcement Branch to the Product Compliance Branch.
PCB is responsible for conducting inspections at establishments that manufacture or sell pesticide products and for following up on pesticide product complaints to ensure compliance with California and Federal laws and regulations related to the sale and distribution of pesticide products.
Examples of types of pesticide product complaint referrals to the PCB include:
- Sale of unregistered or misbranded pesticide products. This also includes internet and mail order sales.
- Suspected pesticide product adulteration.
- Suspected pesticide product production or repackaging occurring in an unregistered producing establishment.
Please forward all pesticide product sales, distribution, or misbranding complaints to the PCB Supervisor, or by phone at 916-445- 4159. For information about other PCB responsibilities, please visit their website.
The Enforcement Branch will continue to work with the counties on pesticide use or misuse issues. The Product Compliance Branch will work with counties on product sale and distribution complaints.