Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium, Volume 3 – Restricted Materials and Permitting
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has finalized Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, one of seven volumes forming the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium previously described in Enforcement Letter ENF 05-02. DPR is providing a copy of this reference to County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) on compact disk. Please have your staff begin using this reference immediately.
Restricted Materials and Permitting is the reference against which county programs are evaluated. It contains the standards and expectations DPR has for the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program implemented by the CACs. The revised reference is issued by DPR as part of its statutory responsibility to assist in planning and developing county programs in areas including uniformity, training and coordination, and to provide direction for implementing the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program.
Restricted Materials and Permitting replaces the previous manual last printed in 1997. Contents of this reference supersede any position or direction on this subject contained in earlier manuals and previous letters to the CACs. A listing of noteworthy changes from the previous manual is enclosed.
Any changes to Restricted Materials and Permitting, in the form of new and updated procedures, policies, or interpretations will be issued in the form of updates to the Compendium. CACs will be notified of revisions via an enforcement letter. All revisions will be on line; no printed copies will be distributed. Updates will appear on DPR´s Restricted Materials and Permitting Web site at: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/rstrct_mat.htm. Suggestions for changes, additions, or deletions to the Compendium should be made to DPR´s Enforcement Branch.
DPR will conduct statewide training in the future to include the newly implemented policies in this volume, as well as to provide refresher training on issuing a restricted materials permit. When dates and locations are finalized, an Enforcement Letter will be sent to you.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county
- Enclosure, PDF