Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium Volume II – Clopyralid Regulations Replacement Pages
The Department of Pesticide Regulation has adopted two new regulations to implement the provisions of Food and Agricultural Code sections 13190 and 13191. These new regulations affect the California sale and use of registered pesticides containing the active ingredient clopyralid, by restricting the sales and use of this herbicide to protect commercial compost from potential contamination with persistent clopyralid residues.
The Office of Administrative Law approved the adoption of Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) sections 6576 and 6590. These regulations became effective January 27, 2006. Please remove and replace page 6574 (page number found in upper right corner) and add new page 6950 to Volume II of your Compendium.
Licensed Pest Control Dealers (PCDs) have been mailed a letter, specifying the details of the adopted clopyralid regulations (enclosed). PCDs may be contacting their local County Agricultural Commissioner with questions about enforcement or for compliance assistance.
Please review the enclosed letter, which lists three clopyralid-containing pesticides whose registrations were inactivated in 2004. Licensed PCDs may legally sell most pesticides for up to two years after the expiration of the registration date.
Interpretation of 3CCR section 6576:
Qualified Applicator Certificate holders (QAC) or Qualified Applicator Licensees (QAL) with category A, B, or Q, who buy clopyralid-containing pesticides must sign a written statement at time of sale that they assure all grass clippings from lawns or turf treated with clopyralid-containing pesticides will remain on the property. PCDs need to retain the signed statement for two years.
Interpretation of 3CCR section 6590:
Prohibits all use of clopyralid-containing pesticides on residential lawns. Allowable use sites include schools, parks, office complexes, and golf courses if purchaser assures, in the signed statement referenced in 3CCR section 6576, that grass clippings from treated lawn or turf will remain on the property.
Private applicator certificate holders are not allowed to purchase or apply clopyralid-containing pesticides affected by the new regulations (see enclosed list).
If you have questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) sections 6576 and 6590
- Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) section 6950
- Clopyralid Pesticide Products: New Regulations Affecting Sale and Use