Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium Volume II – Laws Section 2006 Summary of Changes and Replacement Pages
In 2005, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) issued Volume II of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium (Compendium), which consists of laws and regulations pertinent to the pesticide regulatory program. The Compendium was described in Enforcement Letter 2005-02. Referred to as the Enforcement Manual, Volume II is being issued in two separate sections, a “Laws” section and a “Regulations” section due to the size of the sections.
The “Laws” section, prepared by the DPR, includes excerpts from the following codes related to the pesticide regulatory program: Food and Agricultural Code (FAC), Health and Safety Code (H&S), and Labor Code (Labor), and Business and Professions Code (B&P).
Enclosed are replacement pages incorporating legislative changes to the FAC during 2005 and early 2006, since the release of last year´s Compendium, Volume II. Changes are identified according to code section in the enclosed “2006 Summary of Changes.” A replacement page guide is also included for tracking purposes.
No legislative changes were made during 2005 to the excerpts of the H&S, the Labor, or to Division 3 of the B&P.
A compact disk containing a complete updated version of the Laws and Regulations sections, as well as replacement pages for both sections will be sent to all counties. Reproductions may be made from either the compact disk or the enclosures.
The Enforcement Manual is an information tool and is not meant to replace or represent any official record or source. Use the links below to access the officially maintained version of the appropriate laws.
A link to the complete FAC can be found on the DPR´s Web site at: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/legbills/opramenu.htm
A link to Division 3 of the B&P can be found at the Structural Pest Control Board´s Web site at: https://www.pestboard.ca.gov/pestlaw/bpcode.shtml
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- 2006 FAC Replacement Page Guide, PDF
- 2006 FAC Table of Contents, PDF
- 2006 FAC 12400 - 12406, PDF
- 2006 FAC 12811.5 - 12836, PDF
- 2006 FAC 12999.5, PDF