Mary-Ann Warmerdam

Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 05-31
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium Volume – II Sulfuryl Fluoride Regulation Replacement Pages
The Office of Administrative Law approved the amendment of Title 3, California Code of Regulations section 6400. The Office of Administrative Law approved the enclosed regulation permanently adopting sulfuryl fluoride as a California restricted material. This addition includes the permanent regulation for sulfuryl fluoride.
The regulation became effective on December 15, 2005. Please remove pages 6400 (found in the upper right corner) through 6402 and replace with the enclosed revised pages.
If you have any questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
Original signature by:
Scott T. Paulsen
Chief, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Enclosure, PDF
Mr. Roy Rutz, Agriculture Program Supervisor III
Mr. James Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison