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Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 08-03
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Pesticide/Wildlife Incident Response Plan Training Coordination with Department of Fish and Game

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) with the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and the County Agricultural Commissioners (CAC) will conduct Pesticide/Wildlife Incident Response Training with special emphasis on communication among the agencies. The training will include the newly updated Pesticide/Wildlife Incident Response Plan, in addition to other topics (agenda to be posted on DPR County Training website mid-February) to enhance staff awareness, define roles, coordinate investigations, and foster communication.

The CAC staff and DFG wardens responsible for responding to investigations involving environmental or wildlife losses due to pesticides are encouraged to attend.

The training is from 9:00a.m. – 3:00p.m. at the following locations:

Sacramento Area
March 12, 2008
U.C. Cooperative Extension Auditorium
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, California 95827

Tulare Area
March 20, 2008
Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Auditorium Building
4437 S. Laspina Street
Tulare, California 93274

Northern Area
March 25, 2008
Shasta College (Room 815)
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, California 96049

Northern Area
April 3, 2008
Colusa National Wildlife Refugee
752 County Road 99W
Willows, California 95988

Coastal Area
April 8, 2008
Monterey County Agricultural Center
Richard W. Nutter Conference Room
1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, California 93901

Los Angeles Area
April 22, 2008
Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
12300 Lower Azusa Road
Arcadia, California 91006-5872

Riverside Area
April 23, 2008
Coachella Valley Water Forbes Auditorium
85-995 Avenue 52 and Hwy 111
Coachella, California 92236

Please contact Mr. Mostafa Chrichi at (916) 445-3884 or e-mail to sign up. You will receive an e-mail confirming your attendance.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Ms. Stella Borucki, Department of Fish and Game
Mr. Victor B. Acosta, DPR Program Specialist
Mr. James Shattuck, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison, DPR
Enforcement Branch Liaisons