Policy Concerning Use of Prohibited Containers as Service Containers for Pesticides
The Department of Pesticide Regulation has developed the enclosed policy to address the enforcement of Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) section 6680 that prohibits end users from using empty containers that are readily identifiable or recognizable as food or beverage containers as pesticide service containers.
Examples of readily identifiable or recognizable food or beverage containers include glass mason canning jars, glass and plastic soft drink bottles, metal soft drink cans, plastic water bottles, and plastic food bags. Examples of household product containers include measuring cups, cooking vessels, and empty containers once holding dish washing soap, shampoo etc.
This section does not prohibit end users from using generic plastic or glass bottles, plastic bags, or similar containers (that have no identifiable food or beverage use labeling or embossing) as service containers. However, each container (other than those used by a person engaged in the business of farming when the containers are used on the property the person is farming) must be properly labeled as a pesticide service container as required by 3CCR section 6678 with:
- The name and address of the person or firm responsible for the container;
- The identity of the pesticide in the container; and
- The word “Danger”, “Warning”, or “Caution” in accordance with the label on the original container.
- Enclosure