Policy to Extend Period for Meeting Renewal Requirements: Active Military Duty
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has established a policy to allow more time for license or certificate renewal for individuals that are called to active military duty. We would appreciate your help in providing this information to those renewal applicants that may be affected.
Renewal policy
DPR requires certain information from renewal applicants to consider them for an extension. They must submit with their renewal application:
- A copy of written evidence of their call to active military duty
- A copy of written evidence showing the time served in active military duty.
Extended time allowed
The time served in active military duty will be the time extended for meeting the renewal requirements of:
- Submitting the renewal application and fee and
- Submitting documentation showing that any required continuing education hours were obtained during the license or certificate valid period.
The maximum extension is 12 months after the license or certificate expires.
Extended time deadline
In addition, the individual renewing under the extension policy must complete the process by December 31 of the year after their license or certificate expires.
Fee requirement
The time extension does not waive the required submission of the renewal fee, but does waive the late renewal fee.
Continuing education requirement
The time extension policy does not waive or reduce the required number of continuing education hours that certain individuals must earn to renew their license or certificate.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Adolfo Gallo, of my staff, at (916) 445-3895 or the Senior Pesticide Use Specialist assigned to your county.