Preparation and Study for Commissioner, Sealer and Deputy Oral Exams
In an effort to assist those preparing to take the commissioner, sealer, and deputy oral exams Mr. Mike Cleary arranged four training sessions in late November and early December 1999. Those training sessions were held in Napa, Fresno, Yuba City, and San Diego with approximately 30 participants attending each session. Mike coordinated and participated in these sessions as the Chair of the exam process. Mr. John Donahue participated as the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) representative, and I represented the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). County Agricultural Commissioners Dave Whitmer, Jerry Prieto, Kathleen Thuner and Assistant Agricultural Commissioner Rick Landon also participated in the sessions held in their respective counties. We provided each participant with two to three hours of suggestions for preparation.
CDFA, DPR, and CACASA put on the training sessions with assistance from the California Association of Standards and Agricultural Professionals (CASAP). CASAP provided refreshments and assisted in getting the word out to all staff interested in participating. The training was open to all interested county and state staff.
During each session we covered the history of the exams, including the statutory requirement, the process itself, reference materials, and suggested study habits and techniques. We also explained and discussed some changes made to the process in recent years. We encouraged participants to develop their own system for accessing the necessary information during the year such as Spring and Winter Conference minutes, area group minutes, enforcement letters, Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) notices, and all other letters and minutes from the two departments and CACASA. We also pointed out that this information is key to job performance, not just for preparing to take an exam. We suggested forming study groups, setting time aside to study, and respecting that time. The two department Web sites were also given as good sources for information. We explained the need to present themselves in the best possible light by greeting the panel confidently when entering the room; by dressing appropriately for the occasion; and remaining positive, making no excuses. We also emphasized the need to relax and listen to the questions, organize their thoughts before answering, and asking for the question to be repeated if necessary. During each session we also shared some of our past exam experiences by providing examples of what to do and what not to do. We also shared the types of questions that have been included in past years. In addition to the training, Mike Cleary sent 15 copies of the 1999 Winter Conference minutes to CASAP for distribution to those studying.
Commissioners and both departments identify the exam topic areas. Then CDFA and DPR staff develop the questions. The reference material mentioned above is generally an excellent source of information for gaining an understanding of current issues, their background, their history, and their ultimate outcome. After becoming familiar with the material, I encourage staff to go to their supervisors, deputies, and commissioners because they are often the best resource for additional information, and perspective. Additionally, I am always available to assist anyone who is looking for specific information.
When DPR is approached at different levels by a number of individuals or organizations to speak on a specific issue or topic for the purpose of preparing for an exam, it becomes a resource issue to the Department. When groups or individuals ask vague questions or ask the Department to identify the “hot issues,” it becomes a question of fairness and an issue of coaching. Because staff often assist with writing the questions it is difficult for the Department to accept speaking engagements close to the exams for the purpose of preparing for those exams.
In closing, I want to be very clear about my willingness to assist anyone who desires to improve and advance in their career, but I must be fair to all potential exam candidates and maintain the integrity of the system. Never have so many CDFA and DPR resources been spent and such an effort been made to assist those interested in achieving advancement.
Please help me get the word out by distributing this letter to all your staff. As always if you have any questions or need further information please give me a call.