Private Applicator Certification Examination and Keys
The Licensing and Certification Program revised and updated the examination for certifying private applicators. During this certification season only, this revised examination can be given for initial certification of new private applicators as well as for re-certification. Next year however, this examination must only be used for initial certification of new private applicators. In August 2006, we will provide you with a different version of the certification examination, this examination will be used to re-certify private applicator certificate holders who opt examination over continuing education credit. The change is explained in detail below in the third paragraph of this letter. Enclosed is a CD with an electronic copy of the examination booklet in three PDF files that include a cover page, the questions, and a facsimile of a pesticide label. Also find enclosed two sets of master answer keys; each set contains one Scantron® answer sheet with hole-punches indicating the correct answers, another with the correct answers indicated with a darkened mark.
Based primarily on comments we received from county agricultural commissioners and their staff we changed the examination format and length. The examination is now just one part; no longer will there be an additional part for employers of pesticide handlers or field workers. It was pointed out that a person might not employ someone at the time of examination but may afterward. All persons taking the revised examination will be tested on “Employer and Employee Responsibilities.”
It was also recommended that the examination cover certain topics more comprehensively, such as understanding the label. That recommendation is bolstered by data showing label violations as the most common noncompliance activity by pesticide users. Therefore, additional questions covering the topic, “Label and Pesticide Labeling” have expanded the examination to 70 questions, with 50 correct answers needed for a passing score.
Many of you expressed a concern that increasing numbers of private applicators are renewing their certification by taking the identical examination at renewal time instead of earning continuing education credits. As mentioned earlier, we will address that concern by providing versions of this certification examination that contain different questions. Using the different versions should help maintain examination integrity and security, as well as allowing you to re-certify private applicators with a different examination that focuses on regulatory areas where violations occur.
Many thanks to the county agricultural commissioner staff that provided comments for improving the examination revision process. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Adolfo R. Gallo, of my staff, at (916) 445-3895 or e-mail at agallo@cdpr.ca.gov.