Mary-Ann Warmerdam

Arnold Schwarzenegger
PML 06-02
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Private Applicator Certification Examination: Spanish Language Version
The Licensing and Certification Program is pleased to provide the Spanish translation of the Private Applicator Certificate Examination. Enclosed with this letter you will find a CD with PDF files of the Spanish examination. The answer key and pesticide label are the same as provided for the English language version in letter PML 05-11.
Many thanks to the county agricultural commissioner staff that provided comments for improving the examination revision process. If you have questions, please call Mr. Adolfo R. Gallo, of my staff, at (916) 445-3895 or e-mail him at agallo@cdpr.ca.gov.
Original signature by:
David Duncan
Chief, Pest Management and Licensing Branch
Mr. Adolfo R. Gallo, DPR Program Specialist
Mr. Jim Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison