Private Applicator Recertification Examination (English Version) and Revised Private Applicator Certificate Application Form (PR-PML-045)
The Pest Management and Licensing Branch´s Licensing and Certification Program is implementing a new recertification exam and answer key for certified private applicators. The exams are in PDF file format in English (a Spanish translation is under development) on the enclosed CD ROM. Also, enclosed are the answer key Scantron® forms and the Private Applicator Certificate Form. This recertification exam is designed for private applicators that choose to renew their certification by taking an exam instead of completing the required number of hours of continuing education. Please use this exam for recertification instead of the exam you would normally use for initial certification.
The recertification exam focuses on questions related to the most common violations attributed to private applicators as recorded in the Department of Pesticide Regulation enforcement and compliance databases. The exam consists of 80 questions where 56 correct is a passing score.
If you have any questions regarding the examination, please feel free to contact Mr. Adolfo R. Gallo, of my staff, at (916) 445-3895 or e-mail him at agallo@cdpr.ca.gov.