Procedures for Reimbursement of Expenses for Structural Investigation and Training Activities
Through a contract with the Structural Pest Control Board, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) may reimburse County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) for expenses associated with certain structural pesticide enforcement activities. Specifically, employee expenses associated with bringing a structural civil penalty action and with employee travel for attending structural training provided by DPR are reimbursable.
This document outlines procedures for counties to follow when submitting requests for reimbursement of expenses incurred while conducting structural investigations and for attending DPR-sponsored training workshops. This procedure supersedes ENF Letter 2000-037.
Instructions for Invoicing Reimbursement of Investigation Expenses
Requests for reimbursement of expenses are limited to investigations associated with structural pest control enforcement. Submit invoices on county letterhead or other format that identifies the county. List each case separately by case number and name of respondent. In addition, each request for reimbursement must include the following:
- Name of employee(s) conducting investigation
- Title or position of each employee
- Number of hours expended by each employee during the investigation
- Employee rate of pay
- Overhead* charges, with explanation
- Itemized miscellaneous expenses associated with the case(s), e.g., supplies, postage, etc.
- Total amount requested
*Overhead charges include expenses for services or functions performed by other administrative personnel, or departments, which are apportioned back among all budgeted programs.
Instructions for Invoicing Reimbursement for DPR-sponsored Structural Training
For structural training, county employees must submit claims for reimbursement directly to the county for travel-related expenses only. This includes commercial airfare, vehicle mileage, tolls, parking and per diem, including meals, lodging and incidentals. Submit invoices on county letterhead or other format that identifies the county. In addition, each request for reimbursement must include the following:
- Name and location of training workshop
- Date(s) of travel
- Name of county employee(s)
- Total amount claimed for each employee
- Total amount requested
The amount of reimbursement may not exceed the allowances for state employees´ travel. Please consult with the DPR Structural Liaison for current travel reimbursement rates.
Each request for reimbursement must be signed by an authorized county agent, e.g., agricultural commissioner or deputy agricultural commissioner and shall contain the following or similar statement:
“This claim for reimbursement has been reviewed by County pursuant to current county policies and procedures. County is requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred.”
Submit all invoices to:
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pesticide Enforcement Branch, Structural Liaison
PO Box 4015
Sacramento, California 95812-4015
State warrants will be issued to the County Treasurer/Agricultural Commissioner and sent directly to the County Treasurer. The remittance advice will include the invoice number for tracking.
I encourage all counties to use this system of reimbursement to offset expenses associated with structural activities. Remember that funds may be unavailable at the end of the fiscal year if claims exceed the budget.
If you have any questions about reimbursement procedures, please contact Mr. Clifford Smith, DPR Structural Liaison.