Public Review of Pesticide Use Permits
Enclosed are copies of letters to Ms. Deborah Roisman, and Mr. Dave Moeller from Director Paul Helliker. You will hear more from Dave and Paul about the recent permit review in Santa Cruz County during the Agricultural Chemicals Committee meeting at the Spring Conference next week.
One of the lessons learned in 1997 when we first dealt with the public review of a permit was the need for growers to adequately notify their neighbors of their intent to fumigate. Often times growers get a permit early in the year but do not know exactly when the fumigation will take place because of market and weather conditions. The law requires growers to call the agricultural commissioner’s office 24 hours ahead of the application with their Notice of Intent. This is not adequate notification to the neighbors if the intent is truly to be a good neighbor, and it could result in last-minute delays when a neighbor appeals, or calls for a public review of the permit. It is the grower’s responsibility to notify neighbors, but it may be a good practice for the commissioner to elevate the grower’s awareness to potential last-minute delays due to inadequate notification. It is difficult for the Director to delay an application for a last-minute request when the grower has given adequate advance notification.
Until now, the valley and more rural counties have not been under opportunity to review your permit issuing process and assure you have adequate notification built into your program.
As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, please call me.
- Enclosures