Questions Regarding Implementation of the Methyl Bromide Field Fumigation Regulations
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) recently submitted the proposed rulemaking package for the field soil fumigation uses of methyl bromide to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). This begins the process to accept public comment on DPR’s proposed rulemaking to adopt these regulatory standards.
As you know, many of the proposed requirements are contained in the Suggested Permit Conditions that county agricultural commissioners (commissioners) currently use to condition permits to address local-use conditions. However, there still may be questions regarding the statewide implementation of these regulatory requirements.
DPR intends to develop a set of questions and answers to assist commissioners in addressing local-use issues, questions, or concerns before these regulations are adopted. Your input is needed to help develop this information before these regulations are implemented this season. Please submit any questions (including any suggested responses), comments, concerns, or issues regarding implementation of the regulations to Mr. Bob Chavez, of my staff, by March 31, 2000. DPR intends to have this information available to commissioners soon after the final rulemaking package is filed with OAL in June of this year.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Chavez by telephone at (916) 445-3886, by e-mail at bchavez@cdpr.ca.gov, or by FAX at (916) 445-3907.