Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 15-19
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Relocation of the Enforcement Branch, Central Regional Office, Effective December 31, 2015

The Department of Pesticide Regulation, Enforcement Branch’s Central Regional Office (CRO) has relocated to a new facility in Clovis. The relocation from the Fresno office took place in early-December.

Telephone, fax line, and e-mail are fully operational. A directory with new telephone numbers is enclosed, along with a revised Enforcement Branch Headquarters and Regional Office Map. Cellular phone numbers have not changed.

The following new mailing address, telephone, and fax lines have been assigned to CRO:

  • Department of Pesticide Regulation
    Enforcement Branch, Central Regional Office
    395 West Spruce Avenue, Suite 103
    Clovis, California 93611
  • CRO General Number/Receptionist: 559-297-3511
  • CRO Fax Number: 559-297-5417

Thank you for your patience during this relocation.


Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • New Directory with Telephone Numbers
  • Revised Enforcement Branch Headquarters and Regional Office Map
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosures)
Ms. Regina Sarracino, Environmental Program Manager (w/Enclosures)
Ms. Karen Francone, Environmental Program Manager (w/Enclosures)
Mr. Louie Guerra, Senior Environmental Scientist (w/Enclosures)
Ms. Erin Yee, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (w/Enclosures)
Enforcement Branch Liaisons