Rely 280, U.S. EPA Registration Number 264-829-ZA, Label Amendment to Revise Precautionary Statements
This letter is to inform you that the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Registration Branch recently reviewed and approved a revised label for the Bayer CropScience product, Rely 280, EPA Reg. No. 264-829-ZA. Based on new acute toxicity data, the label’s Human Health Hazard and Precautionary Statements for the subject product have been modified and now the Title 3 California Code of Regulations section 6746 requirements for closed system mixing no longer apply to this product.
The registrant, Bayer CropScience, has agreed to have the new label reflecting these changes on product containers sold for use in California no later than September 30, 2016. In the interim, if users are not mixing and loading with closed system equipment, they must have a hard or electronic copy of the enclosed DPR stamped approved label at the use site.
If you have any further questions please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.