Reporting Monthly Pesticide Regulatory Activities Using CalPEATS
This letter announces changes to the monthly submission of Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Reports (PRAMRs) and inspection forms to the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). This letter supersedes the submission instructions in letters ENF 10-08 and 09-24 and the PRAMR reporting timeline in ENF 06-35.
DPR compiles workload data from PRAMR into an annual California Statewide Pesticide Regulatory Activities Summary to allocate mill assessment revenues to counties. Previously, to report workloads, counties would mail to DPR completed monthly PRAMR forms and paper copies of completed inspection reports. With the statewide adoption of the California Pesticide Enforcement Activity Tracking System (CalPEATS), counties will now use CalPEATS to track and report to DPR all PRAMR information.
PRAMR submission
Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) section 6392, requires each county to submit to DPR within 30 days after the end of each month, a monthly report supporting the administration and enforcement of their pesticide regulatory program (i.e., PRAMR).
Effective July 1, 2017, DPR requests County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) discontinue submitting paper PRAMR forms (PR-ENF-099) when reporting monthly pesticide use enforcement activities to the Department. Instead, to satisfy the monthly reporting requirements in 3 CCR section 6392, CACs must use CalPEATS to report to DPR pesticide use enforcement activities, including completing the manual data entry fields (primarily reporting hours). Monthly activity reports are considered submitted to DPR when the month has been “closed” in the CalPEATS’ Monthly Activity module. The guide and a video tutorial on PRAMR are available at the CalPEATS Help Resources page https://calpeats.org/Home/Help.
To assure timely and accurate CalPEATS data are available for mill assessment allocation and disbursement, DPR will send an email reminder to CACs, on September 1 of each year, to review and close out all CalPEATS monthly activity reports for the previous fiscal year by October 1.
Inspection forms
Please discontinue mailing to DPR paper copies of completed CalPEATS generated inspections. DPR directly reviews the contents of inspections that have a “closed” status in CalPEATS.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Scott Benson Scott.Benson@cdpr.ca.gov, Mr. Okla Hensley Okla.Hensley@cdpr.ca.gov, or your Enforcement Branch Liaison.