Revised California Aeration Plan and Update to Volume 4, Inspection Procedures, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
Volume 4, Inspection Procedures, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium has been updated. The most recent update (enclosed) includes the following change and is also available online at the link provided below. Please have your staff begin using this update immediately. Hard copies of the update will not be distributed.
- Appendix 6, California Aeration Plan for Structural Fumigations, pages 323-326.4
Please note: To print the pages of this update, select the enclosure or go to www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_4/inspect_procedures.htm. It is recommended the section be printed back-to-back. Remove the old section from the manual and insert the new section.
California Aeration Plan (CAP) Revisions
CAP was developed as a Fumigation Safety Program (Title 3, California Code of Regulations section 6780) to address worker and bystander issues and to reduce potential exposure from fumigations during the aeration period. The requested revisions reflect the diligent collaborative efforts of the Pest Control Operators of California, structural fumigators, the Department of Pesticide Regulation, and county agricultural commissioner staff to further enhance regulatory compliance. Revisions in the February 19, 2013 CAP (Appendix 6) include clarification of equipment standards and placement, change from a set surface area to a variable size range for inlet devices, and addition of advisory statements. These revisions serve to further reduce potential exposure from structural fumigations during aeration.
The revisions to CAP, approved by Department of Pesticide Regulation Director Brian Leahy on April 8, 2013, take effect on May 20, 2013 and supersede the previous instructions outlined in Enforcement Letter 2010-20 (Implementation of California Aeration Plan for Structural Fumigations) and 2011-16 (California Aeration Plan – Frequently Asked Questions).
If you have questions, contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Appendix 6, California Aeration Plan (CAP) for Structural Fumigations
- Replacement Page Instructions