ENF 2004-005
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Revised Forms Requisition
Enclosed is the revised forms requisition (PR-ENF-197) and a listing of all new, discontinued, and revised forms. The last forms requisition (Rev. 08/02) was distributed in Enforcement Letter ENF 02-38. The following are some changes/reminders to note:
- Form orders will continue to be sent to Enforcement Branch´s Program Representative either by fax (916) 324-4088, mail (see letterhead address), or e-mail at formscoordinator@cdpr.ca.gov.
- All questions regarding requisitions, should be addressed to the new Enforcement Branch Program Representative at (916) 324-4094, or e-mail at formscoordinator@cdpr.ca.gov.
- If faxing requisition, please provide number of pages included in fax.
- When sending in new order, please do not include previously ordered amounts in new order.
- In order to accurately track orders, no form orders will be taken over the phone. Please fax, mail, or e-mail all form orders.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Enforcement Branch´s Program Representative at (916) 324-4094.
Original signature by:
Roy Rutz
Agriculture Program Supervisor III, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Enclosure
Enforcement Branch´s Program Representative (w/Enclosures)
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosures)