Revised Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Report Form and Instructions
Attached, for your information, are the revised Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Report form and instructions. The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association Board of Directors approved the reporting changes for implementation effective July 1, 2000.
Report form changes include:
- Sections I- III, Inspections: Removed storage and equipment inspections. The inspection requirements have been included in other inspections (see Instructions).
- Section IV, Restricted Materials: Added E. “Annual Total Sites” and F. “Annual Multi-Year Permits.” Moved “Private Applicators Certified” to Section VI.
- Section VI, License: Added F. “Structural Operator Notice” and G. “Private Applicators Certified.”
- Section X, Focused Activities: Consolidated reporting for all activities and hours related to documented focused activities.
- Section XIII, Use Report Review and Follow-Up Hours: Moved from former Section XII.
- Section XIV: Added sections to A. “Licensed Hours Expended for Items I-XIII;” moved B. “Licensed Pesticide Use Report Hours” to new Section XIII; removed D. “Residue Contract Sampling Hours.”
The new monthly report forms will be available by mid-June and can be ordered by submitting Form PR-ENF-197 to: Ms. Sandy Todd at the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), Pesticide Enforcement Branch. Please begin using these forms on July 1, 2000, and discard all prior year’s forms.
Instruction Changes and Feedback:
In response to your feedback, DPR revised the reporting instructions in an effort to make them more clear and comprehensive. DPR considers the attached document a working draft and invites your suggestions to further improve the clarity of the instructions. Please provide your written comments to: Ms. Lynn Owen or Ms. Lisa Quagliaroli at the Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Enforcement Branch, 830 K Street, Room 401, Sacramento, California 95814-3510, by August 1, 2000. DPR will issue the final report instructions by September 2000.
If you have any questions concerning the report form or working draft instructions, please contact your Senior Pesticide Use Specialist.
- Attachments