Revised Working Draft Inspection Forms and Inspection Non-Compliance Reporting
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) recently revised five inspection forms that are enclosed for you and your staff to review and comment. We would like you to complete your review and submit your written comments no later than March 15, 2001, so that we can finalize the forms and proceed with reproduction.
Please keep in mind that the primary goal of the revised inspection forms is to consolidate and simplify reporting the non-compliance actions to DPR.
The working draft revised Inspection Forms are:
- Structural Pest Control Inspections PR-ENF-011(REV 1/01)
- Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspections PR-ENF-021 (REV 1/01)
- Pest Control Records Inspections PR-ENF-022 (REV 1/01)
- Pesticide Preapplication Site & Fieldworker Safety Inspections PR-ENF-044 (REV 1/01)
- Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspections PR-ENF-144 (REV 1/01)
A new section titled “Action Reference” was added to each inspection form. In the interest of time and since the modification was slight, we ask that your staff begin using the working draft revised inspection forms at this time. Please use the attached working draft revised inspection forms as a master to make copies. Please discard all prior year’s inspection forms.
When the inspections forms are finalized on March 15, 2001, the forms will be distributed to counties by April 5, 2001.
Inspection Forms with Non-Compliance Actions to be submitted with January 2001 Report 5
This letter is also to remind you that beginning January, 2001 copies of all inspection forms with non-compliance actions must be submitted to the Pesticide Enforcement Branch with your Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Report (Report 5). If you have already submitted your January 2001 Report 5 and did not include the inspection form non-compliances, we appreciate your efforts to retrieve and submit those reports with your February Report 5. They can be grouped and marked as January 2001. If you are unable to identify and retrieve your January non-compliance inspection forms, please include a note with your February Report 5. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay in formally notifying the counties of this reporting change.
Please keep in mind that the reporting procedures or routing for administrative penalty action and compliance action have not changed.
If you have any questions, please direct them and any written comments you might have on the revised working draft Inspections forms to Ms. Pam Burchard, Assistant Information Systems Analyst, at (916) 445-3912 or pburchard@cdpr.ca.gov.
- Enclosure, PDF