To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Rice Pesticides Program 2004
The enclosed documents describe the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s recommended Rice Pesticides Permit Conditions for 2004. The recommended permit conditions remain substantially the same as last year despite attempts to clarify and simplify descriptions.
If you have any questions about the subject, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
Original signature by:
Roy Rutz
Agriculture Program Supervisor III, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Rice Pesticides Program 2004, PDF
- Molinate Worker Safety Permit Conditions, PDF
- 2004 Summary of Ordram 15-GM and 8-E Labeling Requirements, PDF
- 2004 Rice Pesticides Water Management Requirements Summary, PDF
- Text of Final Regulations, PDF
Ms. Roberta Firoved, California Rice Commission (w/Enclosures)
Mr. Rudy Schnagl, CVRWQCB (w/Enclosures)
Ms. Amanda Smith, CVRWQCB (w/Enclosures)
Ms. Kathy Brunetti, DPR Senior Land And Water Use Analysis (w/Enclosures)
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosures)