Mary-Ann Warmerdam

Arnold Schwarzenegger
PML 06-08
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Stipulated Injunction Protecting the Threatened California Red-Legged Frog
On October 20, 2006, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California imposed no-use buffer zones around California red-legged frog habitats for 66 active ingredients in 33 California counties. Under this injunction, no-use buffer zones of 60 feet for ground applications and 200 feet for aerial applications apply from the edge of California red-legged frog habitats.
The enclosed document describes the U.S. District Court´s decision in greater detail for your information.
If you have any questions regarding the examination, please feel free to contact Mr. Leopoldo Moreno, of my staff, at (916) 445-3895 or e-mail him at pmoreno@cdpr.ca.gov
Original signature by:
David Duncan
Chief, Pest Management and Licensing Branch
- Stipulated Injunction Protecting the Threatened California Red-Legged Frog
Mr. Leopoldo Moreno, Associate Environmental Research Scientist (w/Enclosure)
Mr. Scott T. Paulsen, Chief (w/Enclosure) Mr. James Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosure)