Structural Enforcement Reimbursement Fund
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), through an agreement with the Structural Pest Control Board, may reimburse County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) for certain expenses incurred when taking a structural civil penalty action.
DPR encourages CACs to submit requests as soon as possible. Cases can be submitted for reimbursement when the enforcement action is closed (e.g. CAC signs the Notice of Final Decision or the respondent signs the stipulation). Reimbursements are issued on a first come, first served basis. Once the funds are depleted, DPR will not provide further reimbursements for other cases closed during that fiscal year.
In recent years, this reimbursement fund was underutilized. In fiscal year 2019-20, even though 19 counties took structural actions, only half of those counties submitted invoices for reimbursement.
Instructions for Invoicing
Requests for reimbursement of expenses are limited to inspections and investigations resulting in county enforcement actions pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 8617. Please submit invoices to DPR on county letterhead.
Each request must include:
- Invoice number and date.
- List each case separately by CalPEATS Enforcement Action number and name of respondent, and provide-
- Name of employee(s) conducting inspection or investigation.
- Title or position of each employee.
- Number of hours expended by each employee during the inspection or investigation.
- Employee rate of pay.
- Date inspection or investigation was closed.
- Overhead charges with explanation (overhead charges include expenses for services or functions performed by other administrative personnel or departments which are apportioned back among all budgeted programs).
- Itemized miscellaneous expenses associated with the case (e.g., supplies, postage
- Total amount requested.
- Reimbursement requests must be signed by an authorized county agent e.g., agricultural commissioner or deputy agricultural commissioner.
- The following or similar statement
“This claim for reimbursement has been reviewed by [County] pursuant to current county policies and procedures. [County] is requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred during FY [fiscal year].”
Submit invoices as soon as possible, but no less than quarterly by email to <enfstructural@cdpr.ca.gov> or by mail to:
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Enforcement Headquarters Branch, Structural Liaison
3077 Fite Circle, Suite 100
Sacramento, California 95827
If you have any questions about reimbursement procedures, please contact the DPR Structural Liaison, Peggy Byerly at Peggy.Byerly@cdpr.ca.gov.