Structural Pest Control County Registration Forms
Assembly Bill (AB) 1717 (Chapter 338, Statutes of 2007) becomes effective January 1, 2008 and requires structural pest control businesses and certain licensees register with the county agricultural commissioner (CAC) prior to conducting business in the county.
The law also requires registration be in a form prescribed by the Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) after consulting with the Structural Pest Control Board and the CACs. This addendum to ENF 2007-031 provides suggested formats for Branch 1 – Structural Fumigation and Branch 2/3 registration forms. These structural registration forms may be reformatted to meet your county needs.
AB 1717 requires the inclusion of a “responsible person” on the registration form. This term is not defined in law or regulation. DPR interprets “responsible person” to be the branch supervisor as defined in Business and Professions Code section 8611.
AB 1717 requires “in person” registration. If allowed by the CAC, only one responsible party need appear in person. The responsible party appearing in person and signing the registration form may be either the qualifying manager or branch supervisor.
If you have questions during the initial implementation of this new law, please contact Kathleen Boyle, DPR Structural Liaison at Kathy.Boyle@cdpr.ca.gov, (916) 445-3909, or your DPR Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Branch 1 - Structural Fumigation Registration Form, PDF
- Branch 2/3 - Structural Pest Control Business/Qualifying Manager Registration, PDF