Structural Pest Control Device Registration Application
In accordance with the provisions of Assembly Bill (AB) 1134 (Machado), Chapter 651, Statutes of 1998, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has established an internal framework for registration of structural pest control devices.
AB 1134 created a regulatory program for devices utilized for the control of wood-destroying insects. Under the provisions of AB 1134, DPR is responsible for registration of the devices. Prior to registration, DPR will review each device for efficacy and safety. The device technologies that will be impacted by the structural pest control device program currently include those that utilize microwave, electrical, and thermagation (heat) treatments to control wood-destroying insects, e.g. termites, carpenter ants, and powder post beetles.
The Structural Pest Control Device Registration Application, (DPR-032) is available from DPR’s Pesticide Registration Branch, and is also available through DPR’s external Web site www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/registration/regmenu.htm. This is formatted as a “Caere Omniform Mailable Filler.” With this format the application form can be filled out on-line. If you have difficulties downloading, or viewing the form please contact me, or Ms. Liz Pelham at the number, or e-mail address indicated below.
The provisions of AB 1134 will be enforced by DPR, county agricultural commissioners, and the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Structural Pest Control Board. DPR will have the authority to take registration and enforcement actions against parties who violate device statutes. At the local level, the county agricultural commissioners may levy civil penalties for violation of device statutes. In addition, the Structural Pest Control Board may take disciplinary action against its licensees for violations of device statutes. As of July 1, 2001, it will be unlawful to sell, possess, or use a structural pest control device in California, unless it is registered by DPR. The chaptered text of AB 1134 is available online through the Web site maintained by the State of California, Office of the Legislative Counsel at the following address (www.leginfo.ca.gov).
DPR’s Enforcement Branch will issue a letter to all commissioners clarifying the Department’s enforcement policy prior to July 1, 2001.
If you have any questions related to DPR’s structural pest control device registration process, please contact Ms. Liz Pelham with DPR’s Pesticide Registration Branch at (916) 323-5149 or lpelham@cdpr.ca.gov.