Structural Pesticide Use Report – Total Number of Applications on Monthly Summary
Structural pest control companies are required to submit a monthly summary pesticide use report for applications of registered pesticides to the County Agricultural Commissioner in which the work is performed.
Effective January 1, 2013 the total number of applications made for each registered pesticide, whether classified as restricted or general use, regardless of signal word (or no signal word), must be reported.
Pesticide Application information may be made either on the Monthly Summary Pesticide Use Report (MSPUR) form # DPR-ENF-60 or through the Cal-Ag Permit system for submission to the county agricultural commissioner.
This requirement is in accordance with Business & Professions Code section 8505.17(c) and California Code of Regulations §6627, and supersedes previous instructions in ENF 2000-003, ENF 90-013, and any other previous guidance, which stated that only certain structural use pesticides needed to be reported.
This information will be included in the upcoming Volume 1 of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium. Instructions for the MSPUR will be revised to reflect the change.
If you have any questions, please contact the DPR Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.