Structural Regulatory Training – Basic Level
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) will be providing Structural Regulatory Training (SRT) – BASIC LEVEL – September 24-26, 2013 in Dublin.
In June 2012, Structural Regulatory Training (Basic Level) was provided to County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) staff in the southern portion of the state. This year’s training is being offered to CAC staff in the central and northern portions of the state.
DATE/TIME: September 24 through September 26, 2013
Sept. 24: Registration/Lunch: 11a.m. to noon. Training runs from noon to 5p.m.
Sept. 25: Training: 8a.m. to 5p.m.
Sept. 26: Training: 8a.m. to 3p.m.
Training: Begins each day at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Dublin.
Holiday Inn Hotel
6680 Regional Street
Dublin, CA 94568
Demonstration site: Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Regional Training Center: “Scenario Village” closest physical address: 4595 Gleason Drive, Dublin, CA 94568 (Alameda County Animal Shelter). Google maps: address above; 3 structures within circular loop.
From the Animal Shelter continue up Barnett Blvd; bear right onto Barner Avenue; enter gates on right into Scenario Village; bear left along fence line; park along either side of paved road.
Attendees are encouraged to carpool to the demonstration site.
Registration Information:
Basic level training is intended for:
- CAC staff working in Pesticide Regulation or Investigation & Environmental Monitoring and who have never attended a DPR/SPCB sponsored structural regulatory training; or
- CAC staff needing refresher training due to limited experience in structural use monitoring or structural business headquarters inspections.
Should requests to attend Structural Regulatory Training exceed contract limits, CAC staff in category (A) above will be given priority; other factors such as a CAC’s activity level in structural inspections may be considered, if necessary.
DPR recognizes that participants commuting daily to attend training face traffic congestion and personal time commitments; however, in consideration for others, participants are asked to attend each day of the 3-day structural regulatory training.
Participants to complete the attached registration form and e-mail kboyle@cdpr.ca.gov by August 30, 2013.
LODGING: refer to attached “2013 Training Reimbursement Information” for specifics.
- Upon receipt of registration, an e-mail confirming acceptance will be sent which includes two methods for reserving rooms: online registration or call-in.
- Rooms are being direct billed to DPR; no payment is required for room reservation.
Parking is complimentary at both the Holiday Inn Hotel and Scenario Village.
MEALS: refer to attached “2013 Training Reimbursement Information” for specifics.
- To maximize training time, lunch and breakfast are being provided for all participants during the training course. (Lunch: 9/24-26; Breakfast: 9/25-26)
- Dinner for lodgers will be reimbursed up to $20.
Reimbursement Information:
- Refer to attached “2013 Training Reimbursement Information” for specifics
Training Information for Participants:
This course is being provided to staff unfamiliar or seldom involved in structural use monitoring or business headquarters inspections; however, for the benefit of all participants it is highly recommended that participants:
- Conduct at least three Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspections (PUMI-DPR-ENF-104) prior to attending the course. Many criteria on the PUMI are also on inspection reports 2a and 2b below.
- Review the Inspection Procedures Manual regarding the following Reports:
- Structural Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-107
- Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-108
- Pest Control Business Headquarters Inspection Report; PR-ENF-110 (B and D sections)
If you have questions contact Kathleen Boyle at: kboyle@cdpr.ca.gov or 916-445-3909.
- Proposed Summary Agenda
- Registration Form
- Structural Regulatory Training 2013 Reimbursement Information