Structural Regulatory Training – Basic Level, Dublin
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) is providing basic level Structural Regulatory Training in Northern California in October. This Basic Structural Regulatory Training is for new CAC staff who conduct structural pest control inspections or investigations, or staff who need a refresher. Space is limited to 85 attendees with priority given to staff who are new to the structural program and counties from the northern and central regions. This training will be offered in Southern California in 2019.
Training Dates, Times and Locations:
Training is from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.
- Classroom Training: October 2-4, 2018
Holiday Inn Hotel, 6680 Regional Street, Dublin, CA 94568
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on October 2, 2018. - Field Demonstrations: October 4, 2018
Alameda County Fairgrounds
4501 Pleasanton Avenue, Pleasanton CA 94566.
Training and Registration Information:
Please sign up by registering online by Friday, September 14, 2018 using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SRT2018Dublin
Hotel Registration:
The hotel room rate is $140/night plus applicable taxes at the Holiday Inn Hotel, 6680 Regional Street, Dublin, CA, 94568. 925-828-7750. If making reservations by phone, use the group name “Department of Pesticide“, Group Code “DPR”. Use the link below if you are making reservations for any nights between October 1-4 online: Booking Link: Department Of Pesticide
No Reimbursement:
DPR will not reimburse for lodging, meals, tolls, mileage, etc. However, counties not able to send staff to the training due to financial hardship are encouraged to contact our structural liaison, Peggy Byerly at 916-445-5774 or at Peggy.Byerly@cdpr.ca.gov.
Agenda Summary:
Tuesday – 10/2 FOCUS: General Info | Wednesday- 10/3 FOCUS: Branch 2 | Thursday – 10/4 FOCUS: Branch 1 |
SPCB Overview | HQ/Records: Inspection Report 110 | Inspection Report 107 |
Structural Investigations | Inspection Report 108 | California Aeration Plan (CAP) |
Elements of the Violation | Decision Reports | Is this a Violation? |
Surface Water & Inspection Reports | 4 Field Demo Stations | 4 Field Demo Stations |
Training Preparation for Participants:
We encourage all attendees to bring your county CalPEATS tablets to this training. For the benefit of all participants, it is highly recommended that participants review Volume 4, Inspection Procedures Manual Chapters 7, 8, and 10 at the following website link: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_4/inspect_procedures.htm
- Structural Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-107
- Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-108
- Pest Control Business Headquarters Inspection Report; PR-ENF-110 (B and D sections)
If you have any questions regarding registering for the training or booking hotel rooms, please contact Peggy Byerly, DPR Enforcement Branch, Structural Liaison at 916-445-5774, or at Peggy.Byerly@cdpr.ca.gov.