Structural Regulatory Training, Basic Level, Dublin
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) will be providing Structural Regulatory Training-Basic Level, in Dublin, California from October 25-27, 2016.
In spring of 2016, Structural Regulatory Training-Basic Level was held in Irvine for County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) staff based in the southern portion of the state. This fall training is similar and is being offered in Dublin for CAC staff in the northern and central portions of the state.
TRAINING DATES AND TIMES: October 25 through October 27, 2016. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on October 25, 2016. Training is from: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.
Training Locations:
- Classroom Training Location:
October 25-27, 2016, Holiday Inn Dublin-Pleasanton
6680 Regional Street. Dublin, CA 94568 - Field Training Demonstration Location:
October 27, 2016, Alameda Regional Training Center (Scenario Village)
6289 Madigan Road, Dublin, CA 94568
Registration Information – Sign-Up to Attend:
Please register for the training online by October 7, 2016 by using the following link:
This Structural Regulatory Training – Basic Level is intended for:
- (A) CAC staff who conduct structural pest control inspections or investigations and who have never attended a DPR/SPCB sponsored structural regulatory training; or
- (B) CAC staff described above, needing refresher training due to limited experience in structural use monitoring inspections or structural pest control business headquarters inspections.
If the number of CAC staff requesting to attend Structural Regulatory Training exceeds space limits, staff in category (A) above and in the northern and central regions will be given priority. If you have any questions regarding registration please contact, Roberta Jetter, DPR Enforcement Branch, Structural Liaison at 916-323-3197, or Roberta.Jetter@cdpr.ca.gov.
Hotel Registration:
The hotel room rate is $140/night plus applicable taxes at the Holiday Inn Hotel, 6680 Regional Street, Dublin, CA, 94568. (925) 828-7750. If making reservations by phone, use the group name “DPR”. Use link below if making reservations on-line:
No Reimbursement:
DPR through an interagency agreement with the SPCB receives a designated amount of funds for the structural training and for payments to CACs for structural enforcement actions. In recent years, this fund has been more rapidly exhausted due to increased county enforcement reimbursement payments.
Consequently, DPR will not be reimbursing CAC staff to attend this Structural Regulatory Training for lodging, meals, tolls, mileage, etc. However, counties not able to send any staff to the training due to financial hardship are encouraged to contact our structural liaison, Roberta Jetter at 916-323-3197 or Roberta.Jetter@cdpr.ca.gov.
Draft Agenda Summary:
Tuesday – 10/25 / FOCUS: General Info | Wednesday – 10/26 / FOCUS: Branch 2 & 3 | Thursday – 10/27 / FOCUS: Branch 1 |
SPCB Licensing | Inspection Report 108 | Inspection Report 107 |
Surface Water & Inspection Reports | HQ/Records: Inspection Report 110 | California Aeration Plan (CAP) |
Elements of the Violation | Inspection Report Examples | Branch 1: Is this a Violation? |
Structural Investigations | 4 Demo Stations & Mock Inspection | 4 Demo Stations & Mock Inspections |
This training includes outside demonstration stations and mock inspections. Please bring a clipboard for the mock inspections. DPR recognizes that participants commuting daily to attend the training face traffic congestion and personal time commitments; however, in consideration for others, participants are asked to attend each day of the 3-day structural regulatory training. Participants failing to attend the complete course will not receive a certificate of completion.
Structural regulatory training is provided in accordance with Business and Professions Code Section 8616 which requires DPR and the SPCB to jointly develop a training program specifically relating to the various aspects of structural pest control for the CAC staff involved in structural pest control investigations and enforcement.