Sulfur Dioxide Use in Wineries
This letter is an update to the October 17, 2008 memo on sulfur dioxide (SO2) use in wineries. Areas updated are the licensing requirement and the worker safety respiratory requirement.
Any winery that intends to apply SO2 labeled as a federally restricted use pesticide and as a fumigant to sanitize barrels and corks used in wine production must either have a staff person with a qualified applicator certificate or hire a DPR-licensed pest control business with a person that already possesses a qualified applicator license to make the fumigation.
Respirator Requirement
Handlers and other workers must comply with labeling respiratory protection requirements. Handlers must wear either a supplied air respirator with National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approval number prefix TC-19C, or a self contained breathing apparatus with NIOSH approval number TC-13F. Currently, the only product registered is The Fruit Doctor. Unless the fumigation area is continuously monitored to ensure levels do not exceed 2 parts per million, workers other than handlers are not allowed in the area where the fumigations are taking place unless they wear the same respiratory protection identified above.
DPR continues to work with the registrant, distributors, and wine organizations to clarify the requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Sulfur Dioxide Use in Wineries