Supplemental Label for Fujimite SC Miticide/Insecticide (EPA Registration No. 71711-4-ZB) To Revise Preharvest Interval for Citrus
On November 1, 2017, DPR accepted a new Section 3 EPA-approved supplemental label for FujiMite SC Miticide/Insecticide to reduce the Preharvest Interval (PHI) on Citrus Fruit (Crop Group 10-10) from 14 days to 3 days. The change did not affect the sites, rates, pests, or other use instructions. The supplemental label expires August 16, 2020.
The definition of “use” in 3CCR section 6000 includes responsibilities for PHIs. As a general rule, the most restrictive (or most protective) requirement must be followed. This rule is found throughout FIFRA and its implementing regulations (see 40 CFR part 170.407(c) with respect to restricted entry intervals) and often reflected in pesticide labeling as well.
Old labels bearing the 14 day PHI for citrus may be in the channels of trade or in use for some time. However, in this instance if the grower is in possession of the supplemental label, then the 3 day PHI may be followed and not be in violation of FAC section 12973. To assist in compliance, you may wish to distribute the attached supplemental label to PCAs writing recommendations and to growers or businesses applying FujiMite SC on Citrus Fruit (Crop Group 10-10), and refer to this letter.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.