Surface Water Protection – Updates to Volume 4, Inspection Procedures, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium and Implementation Information
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) adopted regulations to reduce potential runoff and surface water contamination from nonagricultural applications of specified pyrethroid pesticide products, effective July 19, 2012. Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) was amended to add five new definitions to section 6000 and to add sections 6970 and 6972. The regulations affect use of 17 pyrethroid insecticides when applied in outdoor nonagricultural settings including structural, residential, industrial, and institutional sites by persons performing pest control for hire. The regulations limit application methods and prohibit certain applications.
Inspection Procedures
Volume 4, Inspection Procedures, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium has been revised. The most recent updates (enclosed) include the following changes and are also available online at the link provided below. Please have your staff begin using these updates immediately. Hard copies of the updates will not be distributed.
- Pages 83-84 Chapter 4 Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspection Report (PR-ENF-104) – added #34 Surface Water Protection in Outdoor Nonagricultural Settings, CCR section 6970 and 6972.
- Pages 167-168.2 Chapter 8 Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report (PR-ENF-108) – added #27 Surface Water Protection in Outdoor Nonagricultural Settings, CCR section 6970 and 6972.
- Replacement Page Instructions
Please note: To print the pages of this update, select from the enclosures or go to Volume 4, Inspection Procedures. It is recommended the sections be duplexed (printed back-to-back). Remove the old sections from the manual and insert the new sections.
Implementation Information
To help County Agricultural Commissioners train their staff or stakeholders about the new regulations, DPR posted a PowerPoint presentation on the DPR external web site under the Enforcement Training web page. The PowerPoint includes examples of acceptable and prohibited application methods
The new regulation limits many applications to crack and crevice, spot or pin stream applications. Crack and crevice applications and spot treatments are defined in 3CCR section 6000. DPR characterizes a pin stream application as an application of a narrow band to a surface where no crack or crevice is present, such as an application that deposits a one inch band onto the surface around windows or doors.
If you have questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Chapter 4 Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspection Report
- Chapter 8 Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report
- Replacement Page Instructions