ENF 2002-044
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Termin-8 Wood Preservative (Copper Naphthenate)/Crawl Space Considered Indoor Use/Label Interpretation
The enclosed document contains new information regarding Termin-8 Wood Preservative (Copper Naphthenate)/Crawl Space Considered Indoor Use/Label Interpretation.
This enforcement letter responds to a request for a label interpretation for Jasco Termin-8 Wood Preservative, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Registration Number 7424-1-AA.
If you have any questions pertaining to this document, please contact your Senior Pesticide Use Specialist Liaison.
Original signature by:
Scott T. Paulsen
Chief, Pesticide Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Enclosure, PDF
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosures)