Timeline for Submitting County Data for the California Statewide Pesticide Regulatory Activities Summary
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) compiles workload information from the Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Report (PRAMR; PR-ENF-099, rev. 3/03) into an annual California Statewide Pesticide Regulatory Activities Summary (hereafter referred to as Summary) to allocate mill assessment revenues to the counties.
To facilitate data tracking and assure timely and accurate PRAMR information, two reports were submitted quarterly for County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) review: a status report showing the number of PRAMRs submitted and an Excel workbook containing each county’s data. In August, DPR sent a draft Summary of the prior fiscal year´s PRAMRs for review.
To meet a reasonable schedule for finalizing PRAMR data for mill assessment allocation and disbursement, we have revised the timeline for accepting corrections to the data. Beginning January 1, 2007, all PRAMR data submissions must meet the attached Summary Timeline.
Please note, DPR will use the PRAMR data that is current as of February 1 of each year to distribute the mill assessment. DPR will no longer accept PRAMR corrections after February 1 for purposes of changing the mill assessment distribution.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in complying with the timeline.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county or Mary Ann Coleman, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist, via e-mail at mcoleman@cdpr.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 445-3892.
- Enclosure, PDF