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Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 09-02
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Training Course – “Breaking Barriers”

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Region 9, will be providing four one-day training sessions statewide to assist non Spanish-speaking inspectors who interview non English-speaking field workers and applicators.

The course is targeted towards County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) inspectors currently conducting fieldworker safety inspections and agricultural pesticide monitoring inspections (such as pesticide use, field fumigation and commodity fumigation).        

The course includes a general session, as well as group sessions of six-eight inspectors interacting with a Spanish bilingual facilitator.

Course topics will include:

  • Introduction to Hispanic Culture
  • Methods for Approaching & Interviewing Hispanic Fieldworkers/Applicators
  • Using an Interpreter
  • Spanish – Basics for Inspectors
  • Agriculture, Safety and PPE vocabulary
  • Written Translation Tools – Common Phrases (Flip chart)

Training will be offered at the County Agricultural Commissioner’s office, except for the Fresno location, which will be held at the Farm Bureau office.

Details on the “Breaking Barriers” training course
City CAC Office Date Registration Deadline
Stockton San Joaquin County March 4 February 20
Woodland Yolo County March 24 March 13
Fresno Fresno County FB April 2 March 23
Monterey Monterey County April 15 April 3

There is no fee for this course.

To ensure sufficient supplies, seating and interpreters please complete the attached registration form by the above registration deadlines and return via email or fax to Ms. Kathleen Boyle, Enforcement Branch at E-mail:; Fax: 916-445-3907; Phone: 916-445-3909.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • Enclosure, PDF
Mr. Roy Rutz, DPR Environmental Program Manager I
Ms. Regina Sarracino, DPR Environmental Program Manager I
Mr. James Shattuck, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Ms. Kathleen Boyle, DPR Program Specialist
Ms. Fabiola Estrada, EPA Project Officer
Enforcement Branch Liaisons