Training Course “Breaking Barriers”
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Region 9, will be providing a one-day training session in Fairfield to assist non Spanish-speaking inspectors who interview non English-speaking field workers and applicators. Past sessions of this training have been very well received and we are pleased to offer this session in northern California.
Training will be offered at the Solano County Agricultural Commissioner’s office:
City | CAC Office | Training Date | Registration Deadline |
Fairfield | Solano CAC | September 14, 2016 | September 5, 2016 |
There is no fee for this course. Check-in begins at 8:30 and the training session runs from 9:00 – 4:30.
Course topics will include:
- Introduction to Hispanic Culture
- Methods for Approaching & Interviewing Hispanic Fieldworkers/Applicators
- Using an Interpreter
- Spanish – Basics for Inspectors
- Vocabulary for Agriculture, Safety, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Written Translation Tools – Common Phrases (Flip Chart)
The course is for CAC inspectors whose responsibilities may include conducting fieldworker safety inspections and agricultural use monitoring inspections (such as pesticide use, field fumigation, and commodity fumigation). For inspector biologists who have taken this class previously it will be a good refresher with new content and activities.
The course includes a general session, as well as group sessions of six-eight inspectors interacting with a Spanish bilingual facilitator.
To ensure sufficient supplies, seating, and facilitators, please register via email or fax by the September 5th deadline indicated above to Ms. Debra Kloss, Enforcement Branch, at Debra.Kloss@cdpr.ca.gov, Fax: 916- 76-8973; Phone: 916-376-8621. County Spanish bilingual volunteers are needed to help with the interactive group sessions and are encouraged to register as early as possible.