Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 07-29 (Revised)
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Training Sessions for Volatile Organic Compounds Regulations

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will conduct training on the new Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) regulations for the nonattainment areas Ventura County, San Joaquin Valley, Southeast Desert, South Coast, and Sacramento Metro.

The regulations will become effective January 1, 2008. DPR would like to ensure county staff who issue permits for fumigants or do fumigant inspections in the nonattainment areas are prepared for the extensive permit requirements, methods, and allowance process.

The regulations (currently proposed) and the Fact Sheet “Revised Control Measures for Fumigants” are available at A list of the 19 affected counties and maps of the areas are available at Please review these materials before the training session. Attendees should bring a calculator to the training. Binders with additional information will be provided.

The training session is 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the following locations:

Ventura County – November 2, 2007 (Note location change)
Ventura Government Center – Service Building
800 South Victoria Avenue
Ventura, California 93009
Space is limited.

San Joaquin Valley Area – November 9, 2007
Stanislaus County Department of Agriculture
3800 Cornucopia Way, Suite B
Modesto, California 95355

San Joaquin Valley Area – November 26, 2007
Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner Office
1730 South Maple Avenue
Fresno, California 93702

Southeast Desert and South Coast Areas – November 29, 2007
Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner´s Office
12300 Lower Azusa Road
Arcadia, California 91006-5872

Sacramento Metro Area – December 17, 2007 (Note date change)
Sacramento County Agricultural Commissioner´s Office
Cooperative Extension Auditorium
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, California 95827

To sign up for the training session give attendee name and selected location to Mostafa Chrichi at (916) 445-3884 or no later than two weeks before the training session. A confirmation email will be sent. There will be no DPR travel reimbursement.

If you have questions, please contact your DPR Enforcement Branch Liaison.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D
Branch Chief, Enforcement


  • Enclosure, PDF
Mr. James Shattuck, County Agricultural Commissioner Liaison