Update of Suggested Guidelines for Methyl Bromide Commodity Fumigation
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is updating the methyl bromide commodity fumigation guidelines which includes (1) the suggested permit conditions for methyl bromide commodity fumigation, (2) work site plan, (3) final permit conditions and (4) reference manual. The suggested permit conditions, work site plan, and final permit conditions are attached. Because the methyl bromide commodity fumigation reference manual is rather lengthy (134 pages), it is not attached. It can be found on DPR’s external home page at www.cdpr.ca.gov. Click on “Programs and Services” and then click on “Enforcement and Compliance”. Then click on the “Compliance” listing. A hard copy of the reference manual can be down loaded as a PDF file.
The current commodity fumigation guidelines used for issuing restricted material permits for methyl bromide for commodity fumigations is dated “August 8, 1994” with updates issued in enforcement letters ENF 94-049 and ENF 94-075 respectively. As you can see, it has been seven years since this package has been updated.
The only substantive change will be to the work hour restrictions in suggested permit control number 16. Testing and work hour restrictions are required when fumigating or storing fumigated commodity within enclosed areas. New respirator cartridges (presently only the 3M Model 60928 Organic Vapor/Acid Gas/P100 is certified for use against methyl bromide) will be allowed and will provide protection in atmospheres containing less than 5 parts per million of methyl bromide. These respirators can be used in place of the work hour restrictions. Several other sections will be updated, such as contact people and the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture pressure test procedure.
DPR requests your comments and suggestions for updating these guidelines. Please submit any comments or suggestions to Mr. Vic Acosta of my staff, by November 30, 200l.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Vic Acosta at (916) 445-3908, or by email at vacosta@cdpr.ca.gov.
- Suggested Permit Conditions and Work Site Plan
- Final Permit Conditions